Customer Complaints Policy
Salonwear Direct Customer Complaints Policy
At Salonwear Direct, we are committed to providing an excellent service for all our customers. Whilst we always strive to provide the highest level of service, we accept that on occasions things can go wrong.
We always encourage clients to work closely with their dedicated account manager to resolve problems, and in most cases this brings any issues to a successful resolution.
We highly value the views of our customers and clients, and our policy is to listen to any concerns they may have with a view to rectifying these issues. We welcome all feedback, whether it is a complaint, compliment or even a suggestion because we see this as a way of maintaining our service and continually improving it. We record and monitor all feedback we receive and we use this to review our services.
Our Aim is to:
- Take complaints seriously and try to resolve these wherever possible.
- Use complaints and customer feedback to help improve our service.
- Learn from our mistakes.
- Provide responses which are clear and easy to understand.
- Provide where necessary, explanations for decisions.
- Treat customers fairly and with respect.
- Be open and honest.
- Be confidential.
We believe that the majority of problems can be sorted out by discussing the issues with the relevant members of staff and we encourage our customers to do this. Where this has not resolved the problem, we understand that there may be a requirement to escalate this.
If this happens we would ask that our complaints form be completed (available on request) so we have this record in writing.
There are three stages to our complaints procedure:-
- Review by the appropriate Account Manager.
- Review by the relevant Director.
- Review by the Managing Director.
We understand that it is important for any issue to be resolved as quickly as possible.
At each of the above stages we commit to providing a response within a maximum of 8 working hours. In our reply, to avoid any further details we will also provide you with details of what to do next and a named person to contact if you still remain unhappy.
Ilan Sherman
Managing Director