Our Rapid Covid Antigen & Antibody Testing Kits
This article is aimed to provide you with further information about our COVID-19 Antigen Complete Lateral Flow Test Kits and Anti-body (IgM & IgG) kits
At present you can only get a COVID-19 test from the NHS if you are experiencing symptoms. In the workplace, this can mean the spread of the virus may already have happened and businesses cannot function properly.
In addition, NHS tests are currently taking 24-48 hours for the results, meaning long periods of isolation even if no virus is present.
Asymptomatic testing (testing people even if they are not showing any symptoms) is a proactive solution that we feel will get the economy going, and allow businesses and individuals to get back to work and carry on with life as much as possible in these challenging times.
Our rapid test kits give a result in 15 minutes which means companies can identify asymptomatic carriers – thermometers won’t!
They also help reduce the chance of site/work closures or the loss of whole team.
Rapid and regular testing protects you and the broader workforce and helps keep your business going.
As a healthcare company with three generations of experience, we have been approached by a number of partners from across the globe. However, we were always looking for the right fit as there were so many cheap foreign imports around without UK approval.
It wasn’t until recently that we found the perfect partner who matched our values as a UK manufacturer with a reputation for quality.
Crucially, these test kits are one of a small number of kits approved by MHRA (Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency), which gives you confidence that they are endorsed by the UK Government.
Secondly, THEY ARE MADE IN THE UK, and as a proud UK manufacturer ourselves, we know this is the perfect partner for us. The kits are made by Edinburgh Genetics in Scotland and are competitively priced in the market.
Edinburgh Genetics are a leading Rapid Diagnostic Testing company based in the UK. They have helped the UK with the battle against coronavirus by manufacturing and supplying a range of COVID-19 reagents and testing kits. These tests are used clinically in over 35 countries and are manufactured right here in the UK. The Antibody and Antigen tests are designed to rapidly detect the novel coronavirus 2019-nCoV, allowing people to take instant action in avoiding transmission. These tests are registered with the MHRA. Find out more here.
What is the difference between an antibody test and an antigen test?
The main difference is that an antigen test looks to discover antigens that have stimulated an immune response to a present infection. Antigens can take a variety of forms and there are certain known antigens for the COVID-19 infection which the test looks to identify. An antigen test often utilises a swab of the throat and nose.
Significantly, an antigen test reveals if a person is currently infected with a pathogen such as the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Once the infection has gone, the antigen will disappear.
The antibody test uses a small collection of blood to tell you whether there are antibodies present, giving you an indication as to whether you may have already had the virus (IgG result). Our COVID-19 antibody test can also detect a current infection (IgM result) using the antibodies present in the blood.
Please note that it can take the body a couple of weeks to produce antibodies after an antigen has caused an infection. There is also no current evidence to support that having COVID-19 antibodies equates to having immunity from catching the virus.
For useful further reading, please visit this website.
What does sensitivity and specificity mean?
These two terms relate to the number of genuinely positive or negative results that produce the correct test result.
The sensitivity can also be referred to as the True Positive Rate (TPR). This is the proportion of samples that are genuinely positive that give a positive test result. The higher the sensitivity percentage, the greater the sensitivity of the test. Tests with a low sensitivity rate produce a higher number of false negatives.
The specificity, often referred to as the True Negative Rate (TNR) measures the negative test results. The proportion, or percentage, of the specificity rating relates to the number of samples that are genuinely negative and result in a negative test reading. Tests with a low specificity rate produce a higher number of false positives.
Tests with a sensitivity and specificity around 90% are generally considered by the industry to be of a high standard.
Should you require any further information, you can visit this webpage.